If you’ve read some of these, then you might get the idea that I hate everything about school.
That I disagree with everything it does.
That I despise everything it stands for.
That I can't stand what it represents.
These misconceptions are only partially true.
Yes, there are a lot of problems with the education system. But I will admit that there are some good things as well.
For instance, the people. I’ve known great teachers and met great people within the education system.
If you are a good person who works in, at, or around a school, I sincerely hope you don’t take any of these personally.
My goal here is only to point out issues in school, not to faculty and staff (who already know them quite well), but to athletes; people with larger ambitions than the education system could ever help them realize.
I don’t mean to criticize endlessly without offering any help; I am not the type to complain just to complain. Anyone can do that and there is no value in it. As the saying goes, if you can do something about it, take action and stop complaining. If you can’t do anything about it, then shut up and stop complaining.
I offer solutions whenever I can. More accurately, I like to offer a “what you can do about it” section of each school-bashing post, because they are written for athletes in school who cannot necessarily fix the problem I bring up. Therefore, there is only what they can do about it. Examples of when I do this can be found here, here, and here.
Once again, I have no problem with education in general and believe that everyone should have a basic understanding of certain topics. What I do here is not a knock on people who work in the education system.
I by no means have all the answers but intend to help all the athlete-students out there to the best of my abilities.