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#15: Why You MUST Work on Personal Goals at School

Yesterday, I made a post titled “Why You Don’t Want to Work on Your Main Goals at School.” Today, I am somewhat contradicting myself in a sort-of “part two” to that article.

The main point yesterday was to not make enemies for no reason. If you can work on goals at school without doing that, then you are good to go, and I’m going to explain why you actually need to find a way to do this.

First off, you spend a ton of time in school, and you can’t let it all go to waste.

In the school district where I’m from, each school year has 175 days and each day is around seven hours give or take. Now multiply that by the twelve years you have to be in school.

That’s roughly 14,700 hours that you have to be in school without even considering college. If you don’t find a way to use that time constructively, then most of it will go to waste.

That’s why it’s imperative to lock in during school on something other than books.

Another reason is to get ahead of peers. Peers may have nothing they are working on or they may be strictly adhering to my last post but either way, you want to separate yourself from them.

Separating yourself from peers will give you more opportunities in the long run.

If you work on goals during school, you will be using time more efficiently as well. This means that you will reach them faster, and be able to move on to the next one.

People will admire you for this and want to be around you. There is power in being able to make stuff happen.



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