My junior year in high school, I was sitting in class one day when myself and six other people were called to the principal's office. Normally, this would cue a chorus of “ohhhs” from the class but this time was different.
The people called were some of the smartest kids in the school (yes, unfortunately I was one of them) so people knew it wasn’t a behavioral issue.
When we got to the office, the man in charge told us that we were going to help with baccalaureate and graduation for the senior class.
What usually happened was that he would take the people that were first and second in the junior class. This year, there was a three way tie for first and a three way tie for second.
A three way tie for first and second.
But wait, there’s more.
I was in the group tied for second (you didn't think I was a total nerd did you?). My GPA was 4.14 on a 4.0 scale. That means that there were at least six people in the school with GPA’s above 4.0.
My point is this: We all excelled in school. In the end, it did not separate us. It did not make us ‘special.’ This was just one high school, too. It doesn't account for all the kids that excel in school across the country and around the world.
Therefore, excelling in school has no value in itself.
Sure, “do good so you can get scholarships and go to college.”
Don’t get me wrong- scholarships and college are important. But once again, many people get scholarships and go to college.
I made up a shiny resume with my GPA, class rank, SAT score, and still didn’t get a lot of the scholarships that I applied for.
And for what? So I could go to school again, get a job, work 9-5, get by until I’m 60, then retire. Once again, You have to keep the big picture in mind and ask yourself “Is that really what I want it to look like.” Because this is the picture that is chosen by default for everyone.
See, getting an “A” isn’t special and getting a “C” is literally said to be average. F’s have no implied value anyway and we all know a few of those students, too. There is no way to stand out in the education system. Therefore, the only way you can truly define yourself is by what you do outside of school.