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#29: What I Wish I Would Have Learned in School


I learned a lot of things during the time that I was in school. I learned very little during the time that I was at school. I’m still in college and probably will be for the next three and a half years. Because of that, I guess you could say that anything I have ever learned up until this point was learned during the time that I was in school.

Add it all up and it’s a lot. However, the time that I was actually at school, inside of a building designated for public education, accounts for a relatively smart percentage of it. At least, a relatively small amount of the information that I will actually use my entire life.

During the time that I am writing this, it is December 2020. My college gave the students an entire month off for Christmas break. When it finally came, I was beyond excited for how much progress I could make and how much I could learn.

I’ve taken advantage of this time and learned about a wide variety of topics. I’m glad to be doing this but it has made me think of how I wish I would have learned these things much sooner; how I wish I would have learned about them at school.

Here’s what I’m talking about (and a book I recommend on the topic):

#1: Strategy- The greatest achievements in life are achieved through strategy and any instance of greatness within a craft must be sustained with a strategy. The most successful people in the world- the most strategic- are the ones who are most capable of giving back to society. Why wouldn’t school teach this?

Book: The 33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene

#2: Social Skills- This probably seems strange, even troubling. In case you are wondering, I did not lack adequate social skills (that much, haha). Most people don’t realize that there is a way to interact with people and a way not to; that it's a skill that can be improved. They think it’s just something you have or you don’t, an aspect of life that just “is.” This is very limited thinking. If you wish, you can call it “communicating or “networking,” but it can certainly be developed.

Book: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

(make sure you get the original, unrevised version)

#3: Money- They taught us how to write a check and balance a checkbook in third grade. I’m not sure what the point of that was. As if a third grader could use that information. As if they would remember it when they were old enough to do so. I still don’t feel as if I know enough about money to express what I wish school had taught me. I do know that school is designed to put students in mediocre jobs with average income- not to help students become wealthy.

Book: Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

#4: Women- Women.

Book: The Book of Pook by Pook

#5: Fitness and Nutrition- School pretends to care about your health. They’ll touch on it here and there but that’s about it. They have a designated time for “physical education” but they don’t teach you anything useful. I would go as far as to say anything they say about fitness and nutrition is bullshit. It’s too soft. “Get up and play for an hour a day” is not going to get the job done. Their standards of nutrition are only useful for a fatass.

Book for Nutrition: The Metabolic Typing Diet by William Wolcott and Trish Fahey

Book for Fitness: My favorite source for information on fitness in the Athlean X YouTube channel with Jeff Cavalier

What do you notice about all these? They are general things that you have to handle skillfully for the rest of your life if you wish to be successful.

School is supposedly designed to give you a “general education”, but everybody and their dog will attest that you will never use the things you learn in school ever again. How does that make any sense? That’s why the more you think about it, the more you can’t help but realize school is a fucking joke.




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